- Q. How do you make your home office healthy? -
Author: John Galpin, Co-Founder Design by Structure

John Galpin
For those of us who have worked in co-working spaces that encourage mobility and interaction, you need to think about your home office in the same way – think designated zones.
Create multiple workspaces to complete different tasks in different places. For instance, have a quiet space with a closable door for meetings, find a space by a window where there’s a lot of natural light for powering through work, and use the sofa when you don’t want to be by yourself.
You don’t have to be inside all the time – work from your garden in the summer, go for a walk, do conference calls on the move, and get out whenever you can.
And if you don’t have a lot of space at home, then get creative and add new workspaces – a friend’s home, a pub, a coffee shop (when we are allowed again), or a park.
Mix it up and thrive, just like you did when you were in the office.
This comment appeared in Management Today.
Published by: Fara Darvill in Comment
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