Re-imagining the brand of the leading loyalty marketing SaaS platform for retailers.

Market context

500 clients worldwide across sectors.

140 employees in product, support and sales.

50 clients and growing in China.

Splio are a global loyalty marketing SaaS platform. Their focus is on helping retailers deliver connected online and offline experiences for their customers. Our challenge was to reach multiple audiences within retail brands with the right message at the right point in the sales cycle, creating compelling reasons to review, recommend and ultimately purchase the platform.

To articulate the offer clearly at a
C-suite level.

To enable prospects to understand the benefit of the platform for their business.

To position the company as a friendly expert, able to help retailers face the threats of Amazon and other large online retailers.

Be the guide

Retail is going through dramatic and significant structural change, both offline and online. As experts, Splio can be a guide through that change.

Keep it simple

The technical knowledge of our B2B audience varies dramatically from client to client, we have to be able to communicate the value of the product in a way that is easy to understand by multiple audiences.

Sales focused

We needed to shift the company from product led to sales led with a focus on the needs of the end customer.


The value Splio brings is in the power of the connection. The connections that are made internally between online and offline teams as well as the profitable connections that are made by retailers as online and offline transactions are joined together. All serving to retain, reward and drive loyalty.


Building the brand

Visualising connections

We created a visual mechanic that weaves and flows between people and objects. Showing connected internal teams coordinated and working together and showing customers buying offline and online seamlessly. We wanted the creative to be charming and light, positioning Splio as the answer to complex retail challenges.


Delivering the brand online

We delivered the brand across multiple channels to show how it could flex and hold together. The core asset was the website, we re-thought the site map, content and user journeys, ensuring propsects can engage with the offer.


Go social

The brand has been particularly effective in social channels, across Instagram, Linked-in and Twitter as well as in trade shows, events and around the office. A completely connected brand experience.


Find out how Structure can help your business achieve its growth ambitions.


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